Mussels: The Small Shellfish with Big Health Benefits

mussel health benefits

Move over oysters, there’s a new shellfish superfood in town - the mighty mussel! I recently learned that these unassuming bivalves are brimming with vital nutrients that deliver some surprisingly big health benefits.

As a seafood fanatic, I was shocked I’d overlooked lowly mussels for so long. Well, no more! I’m now on a mission to showcase how mussels can be a gamechanger for your wellness when eaten regularly. In this article, I will go in depth the mussel health benefits.

Thyroid Helper

If you struggle to keep your thyroid in check, mussels can lend a hand. They’re overflowing with selenium and iodine, two minerals crucial for optimal thyroid hormone production.

Just one cupful provides more than 100% of your daily selenium needs to keep your thyroid humming! Selenium is essential for converting T4, your inactive thyroid hormone, into active T3. It also helps remove free radicals produced during thyroid hormone synthesis.

Iodine is also required for making thyroxine, the key hormone released by the thyroid gland. Low iodine levels can lead to hypothyroidism, goiters, and other thyroid problems. The iodine in mussels can help restore adequate levels.

Including mussels in your diet a few times a week is a tasty way to supply the selenium and iodine your thyroid needs to function at its best.

Slimdown Secret

Ditching meat but worried about losing protein? Mussels pack close to 40% of your daily protein requirements in each 3 oz serving! With a fraction of the calories and fat of beef, mussels can help fill you up without filling you out.

Studies show mussel eaters have an easier time controlling their weight. In one trial, obese mice were fed a New Zealand green-lipped mussel powder. After 8 weeks, the mussel group had less inflammation, cholesterol, and 30% less belly fat than the control group.

The high protein and low calorie combination of mussels is the perfect recipe for supporting a healthy weight. Protein requires more energy to digest than carbs or fat, which can bump up calorie burn after meals. Protein also regulates hunger hormones like ghrelin to reduce appetite.

So if you’re trying to drop pounds or maintain your current weight, swapping mussels for meat is a smart - and delicious - strategy!

Youth Elixir

Beauty might only be skin deep, but what you eat shows on your skin. Feed it mussels loaded with wrinkle-fighting zinc, hydrating omega 3s and antioxidants for a supple, even-toned complexion.

Extracts of New Zealand green-lipped mussels have been shown to improve skin texture, elasticity and smoothness when taken daily. After 8 weeks of supplementation, study participants had increased skin hydration and collagen markers.

The omega 3 fats in mussels enhance skin cell membrane function to lock in moisture. Zinc speeds wound healing, calms inflammation and prevents UV damage. And antioxidants neutralize free radicals that degrade collagen and elastin over time.

For glowing, youthful skin, I recommend enjoying New Zealand green-lipped mussel powder or oil daily. But any mussels will provide beauty benefits thanks to their stellar nutrient profile!

Breathe Easy

Got asthma? While mussels won’t cure this chronic lung disease, their array of nutrients can help open inflamed airways for easier breathing.

The omega 3s found in green-lipped mussels also reduce inflammation to provide relief from wheezing and shortness of breath. In one study, people with asthma who took green-lipped mussel extract for 8 weeks had significantly less daytime wheezing and improved breathing function.

Along with omega 3s, mussels contain histidine, an amino acid that may have anti-inflammatory effects in asthmatics. Vitamin A improves immune function while magnesium relaxes airway muscles. Together, they all support easier breathing.

While not a substitute for asthma medication, a serving of mussels 2-3 times per week can be a tasty way to supplement your treatment.

Heart Helper

Keep your ticker ticking by incorporating heart-healthy mussels into your diet. Their omega 3 fatty acids reduce arrhythmias, bad cholesterol, blood pressure, and plaque buildup.

The omega 3s EPA and DHA found abundantly in mussels lower levels of triglycerides, a dangerous blood fat. They also help prevent blood clotting and make blood vessels more elastic.

One study on post-heart attack patients found that eating Atlantic mussels 3 times a week for 12 weeks significantly improved their blood cholesterol profiles and reduced risk of repeat heart attacks.

For optimal cardiovascular protection, health experts recommend adults eat at least two 3.5 ounce servings of fatty fish like mussels per week. Mix up your meals by swapping mussels for meat or poultry. Your heart will thank you!

Energy Booster

Feeling constantly zapped? Anemia could be the culprit. This low iron condition reduces oxygen flow in your body. The iron in mussels helps restore your red blood cell levels to bring your energy back up to speed.

Just 100 grams of mussels provides up to 18 mg of iron, delivering 100% of the recommended daily amount for men and postmenopausal women. Premenopausal women need around 18 mg per day.

Iron is required to produce hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen from your lungs to tissues and organs. Low hemoglobin caused by insufficient iron reduces oxygen delivery, leaving you feeling tired, weak and short of breath.

Along with fatigue, other symptoms of anemia include pale skin, headaches, dizziness and poor concentration. If you experience any of these, ask your doctor to check your blood iron levels. Eating iron-rich mussels can help restore normal energy levels if anemia is diagnosed.

Fertility Food

Trying to start a family? Get a fertility boost from nutrient-packed mussels. They contain folate, vitamin B12 and omega 3s shown to regulate female hormones, support pregnancy and improve sperm quality in men.

Folate is especially critical in early pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects. This B vitamin also boosts egg quality and ovulation. Vitamin B12 regulates estrogen and helps sustain a healthy pregnancy.

Meanwhile, DHA omega 3s in mussels enhance blood flow to reproductive organs and increase cervical mucus in women. In men, DHA improves sperm motility, morphology and count.

Mussels also provide zinc necessary for male fertility - just 6 medium mussels deliver over 100% of the RDA. Along with vitamin C, zinc boosts sperm quality and protects sperm from free radical damage.

Maximize your conception chances by enjoying a serving of mussels several times a week. Steaming them with veggies and whole grains makes a nutritious fertility-boosting meal.

Bone Builder

Don’t wait until you’re elderly to start strengthening your bones! Mussels contain bone-benefiting vitamin C, calcium, manganese and anti-inflammatory omega 3s to increase bone density and prevent fractures before they happen.

Just 3 ounces of steamed mussels delivers around 100 milligrams of calcium, providing 10% of your daily needs. Calcium combines with phosphorous and vitamin D to form the mineral matrix that gives bones their strength and structure.

Mussels are also an excellent source of manganese, providing over 100% of the RDA per serving. This trace mineral is essential for forming bone regulatory hormones and enzymes necessary for bone tissue formation.

Additionally, the omega 3s in mussels reduce inflammation that can interfere with bone metabolism. Vitamin C aids collagen production to fortify the organic matrix of bone.

To protect your skeleton at any age, enjoy steamed mussels with veggies two or three times a week. Excellent bone health is just one of the many benefits this shellfish superfood delivers!

Brain Food

Keep your mind sharp as you age by eating mussels, one of the most concentrated food sources of cognition-protecting omega 3 DHA. Studies confirm DHA may enhance brain function and even help form new brain cells.

In adults over age 65, supplementing with DHA for 6 months improved memory, learning and processing speed compared to placebo. DHA’s anti-inflammatory powers protect brain cells from damage that can lead to cognitive decline.

Consuming extra DHA during pregnancy and early childhood also boosts brain development. And throughout life, it helps maintain the health of cell membranes in the brain and eyes.

Just 3 ounces of mussels provides over 100% of your recommended daily DHA intake. Compare that to salmon, which has just 30% per serving. Eat up this brain food to stay mentally sharp for life!

Mussels Made Simple

Now that you know the many health superpowers hidden inside these tiny shellfish, it’s time to start reaping the benefits! When shopping and cooking mussels, keep these tips in mind:

Selecting Mussels

  • Choose fresh, live mussels whenever possible for peak quality. Discard any with cracked shells before cooking.
  • Size does not indicate mussel quality or taste. Both small and large mussels can be tasty and nutritious.
  • Farmed mussels are just as nutritious as wild. Just check for freshness.
  • For the biggest nutrient boost, choose green-lipped mussels from New Zealand.

Preparing and Cooking Mussels

  • Scrub mussels with cold water and use a stiff brush to remove dirt or debris.
  • Scrape off barnacles with a knife if needed. Remove any stringy “beard” sticking out from shells.
  • No need to soak mussels - just rinse and cook within 2 days. Keep refrigerated until ready to cook.
  • Steam, sauté or grill mussels for 3-5 minutes until the shells open wide. Discard any unopened ones after cooking.
  • Quick cooking methods like steaming or grilling preserve the most nutrients. Avoid frying or breading.
  • Enjoy mussels on their own, over pasta or rice, in soups and stews, or with fresh veggies.
  • Don’t discard the cooking liquid! The broth contains valuable vitamins and minerals. Drink up or use for soups.

Are You Ready to Mussel Up?

After learning about the many potential benefits, I’m jumping on the mussel bandwagon in a big way! Let me know in the comments how you plan to enjoy these powerful mollusks.

I can’t wait to hear all the creative ways you’ll be musseling this superstar shellfish into your cooking routine. Your health will thank you for it!

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